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Psalm 91
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Confidence
Psalms for Courage
Psalms for Rest
psalm 91 those who live in the shelter of the most high of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the almighty for he will deliver you from every trap and disease for he will cover you with his pinions for you will find refuge underneath his wings his faithfulness your armor and protection those who live in the shelter of the most high of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the almighty don’t be afraid of the terrors of the night of the arrows of the day disease or disaster though a thousand fall ten thousand at your right all these evils will not come near you he will command all his angels to guard you in all of your ways upon their hands they will bear you you’ll trample the lion the serpent the snake
Psalm 91
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 92
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Thanksgiving
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psalm 92 it is good to give thanks it is good to give thanks to the lord it is good to sing praise it is good to give thanks to the lord to declare your lovingkindness in the morning and remember you are faithful in the evening it is good to give thanks it is good to give thanks to the lord it is good to sing praise it is good to give thanks to the lord you have made me glad by the works of your hands though the senseless man won’t understand it is good to give thanks to the lord it is good to sing praise it is good to give thanks to the lord the righteous will flourish like the palm tree planted in the house of the almighty it is good to give thanks it is good to give thanks to the lord
Psalm 92
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 93
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 93 the lord reigns in majesty firmly established his word endures eternity the world planted steadily the voice of the waters pounding the lord on high is mighty the lord on high is mighty mightier than the thundering of waters mightier than the breakers of the sea the lord on high is mighty the lord on high is mighty holiness adorns your house holiness adorns your house for endless days
Psalm 93
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 94
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 94 o lord god of vengeance god of vengeance won’t you shine o judge of the earth repay the proud what they deserve and rise how long shall the wicked shall the wicked boast with words they crush your people hurting those that you claim as your very own killing widows foreigners they murder fatherless they say the lord he cannot see that god pays no attention but can the one who shaped the ear not hear can the one who formed the eye not see he who disciplines the nations can’t he teach for justice will return to the righteous righteous and all the upright in heart will follow it but can the one who shaped the ear not hear can the one who formed the eye not see he who disciplines the nations can’t he teach for the lord he knows for the lord he knows if the lord had not been my help my soul would have been silenced when i thought my foot is slipping when the cares of my heart were many your cheered my soul the lord my stronghold
Psalm 94
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 95
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Kingship
Psalms for Rest
psalm 95 oh come let us sing to the lord let us make joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come unto him with thanksgiving and songs of praise in his hand are the depths of the earth the heights of the mountains the sea is his formed by his hands and the dry land he made it oh come let us sing to the lord let us make joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come unto him with thanksgiving and songs of praise this day if you hear his voice do not harden your hearts as the day in the wilderness as your fathers did oh come let us worship and bow let us kneel down before our maker for he is god and we are the people the sheep of his pasture
Psalm 95
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 96
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Kingship
No items found.
psalm 96 sing to the lord all the earth sing a new song bless his name his salvation from day to day declare his glory for the lord he is worthy sing to the lord all the earth sing a new song bless his name and tell of his salvation from day to day to day declare his glory great is the lord he is worthy for the gods of the people are worthless but the lord he made the heavens ascribe to the lord glory and strength all that’s due his name bring an offering and come into his courts worship the lord in splendor come and tremble before him all the earth say among the nations the lord he reigns he established the world and it will never be shaken let the heavens and the earth be glad for the lord he comes let the sea roar let the trees sing for the lord he comes he will judge the world in righteousness for the lord he comes and the nations with his faithfulness for the lord he comes
Psalm 96
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 97
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 97 clouds and thick darkness surround him righteousness and justice are his foundation fire it goes out before him consuming all his foes on every side his lightning lights up the world the earth sees and trembles the mountains melt like wax before him the lord of all the earth proclaimed in heaven the people will see his glory all who worship idols will be put to shame worship him all you gods zion hears and is glad of your judgment for you for you are lord most high over the earth over all other gods you who love the lord hate evil he protects the lives of his godly people delivers them from hands of wicked joy will shine on those with hearts upright be glad in the lord you righteous and give thanks to his holy name for you for you are lord most high over the earth over all other gods
Psalm 97
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 98
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 98 come let us sing of all his marvelous deeds his right hand has won the war his holy arm has shown his power the lord has made known his salvation and revealed his righteousness to the nations he has remembered his love and faithfulness to the house of israel and the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our victorious god shout for joy to the lord join the magnificent song play a note and let your voice sing as we praise the lord our king let the sea resound and all within it the world and all who live let the rivers clap their hands and the mountains sing together for joy before the lord for he will come to judge the earth in fairness and all will see he rules with justice and judges all equally
Psalm 98
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 99
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 99 the lord reigns let the peoples tremble he sits enthroned upon the cherubim let the earth quake the lord is great in zion over all the peoples let them praise your name holy is he the king in his might loves justice exalt the lord and worship at his feet moses aaron and samuel among them called to the lord you a forgiving and avenging god to them in the pillar of the cloud holy is he
Psalm 99
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 100
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
Psalms for Gathered Worship
psalm 100 shout for joy to the lord all the earth worship the lord with gladness come before him with joyful songs know that the lord is god enter his gates with thankfulness come to his courts with praise give thanks to him and bless his name know that the lord is god for the lord is good and his love endures forever his faithfulness continues through every generation he made us he made us we are his he made us he made us we are his the sheep of his pasture his people he made us
Psalm 100
Poor Bishop Hooper
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