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Psalm 101
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Psalms of Kingship
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Rest
psalm 101 i will sing of your love and justice i will sing to you and you alone i will be careful to lead a blameless life i will be careful when will you come for me i will walk in my house with a blameless heart i will set before my eyes no vile thing the deeds of the faithless man i despise they will not have a part of me i will sing of your love and justice i will sing to you and you alone i will be careful to lead a blameless life i will be careful when will you come for me
Psalm 101
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 102
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 102 hear my prayer god and let my cry of help come to you do not hide listen closely to me in the day of my distress my days consumed in smoke my bones they like a furnace indeed i forget to eat i can’t sleep my bones cling to my flesh and mingled with my drink is my weeping for i have eaten ashes like my bread my days are like a shadow i wither like the grass but you abide forever arise in compassion be gracious now to zion the appointed time has come your servants surely pity her find pleasure in her stones indeed i forget to eat i can’t sleep my bones cling to my flesh and mingled with my drink is my weeping for i have eaten ashes like my bread oh let it be written for those to come a people yet created may praise the lord he looked down from his heights he gazed to earth from heaven to hear the prisoner’s cry set free those doomed to die so that they might praise him long ago you made the earth the heavens are your work even they will perish Lord but you will endure you’ll change them like a garment as robes they’ll pass away but you are the same but you are the same
Psalm 102
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 103
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 103 bless the lord oh my soul let all that’s within me bless the lord don’t forget his benefits who forgives all your sin who heals your diseases who pulls you up from the pit who crowns with lovingkindness and compassion who satisfies oh satisfies you slow to anger and abounding in love he hasn’t dealt with our offense as our sins would deserve for as high as the heavens are above the earth so great his love for those who fear him bless the lord oh my soul let all that’s within me bless the lord just as a father has compassion on his children so the lord has compassion on those who fear him as far as east is from the west he’s removed our sin for his love is everlasting everlasting bless the lord oh my soul let all that’s within me bless the lord as for man his days are grass like a flower that’s gone when the wind has passed but the lovingkindness of lord goes on everlasting for those who fear him and his righteousness to children’s children for those who keep his covenant obey his commandments the lord has established his throne in heaven bless the lord his angels and his hosts with them bless the lord oh my soul bless the lord oh my soul let all that’s within me bless the lord
Psalm 103
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 104
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 104 bless the lord oh my soul o lord my god you are clothed with splendor and majesty covering yourself with light he stretched out the heavens like a tent lays the beams of his chambers on the waters and then makes the clouds his chariot and rides on the wings of the wind he set the earth on its foundations the waters they stood above the mountains but at your rebuke at the sound of your thunder the mountains they rose and the valleys sank under to the very place that you appointed for them so they may never cover the earth again o lord how many are your works so wise you made them all and the earth is full of your creatures see the sea teeming with life animals both great and small and they all yes they all everyone looks to you you send the forth the springs for each beast to drink as the birds of the heavens lift up their voices the earth it is satisfied with the fruit of your works you cause the plants to grow for man that he may bring food and wine for gladness oil to make his face shine and bread for his heart trees of the lord mountains and moon seasons and darkness all come from you lord how many are your works so wise you made them all and the earth is full of your creatures see the sea teeming with life animals both great and small and they all yes they all everyone looks to you to give them food in due season when you open up your hand when you give it to them when you send your spirit they are created and you renew the face of the ground everyone looks to you
Psalm 104
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 105
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Remembrance
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psalm 105 give thanks give thanks to god and call on his name so the nations may know sing to him sing praises due him tell of his wonder glory his name remember remember when israel was few and strangers in the land to be given they wandered in nations god allowed no one to oppress them but when he called down famine on the land he sent joseph as a slave before with shackles on feet and hand all foretold came to pass as god planned give thanks give thanks to god and call on his name so the nations may know sing to him sing praises due him tell of his wonder glory his name when israel was in egypt strangers strong in the land of ham the lord made them fruitful too numerous for foes and their hearts turned against but god sent his servants moses and his brother aaron they displayed miracles and signs miracles and wonders in the land remember remember remember darkness waters frogs and swarms of flies and gnats everywhere hail and lightning locust and grasshopper the lord took all of egypt’s firstborn the firstfruits of their manhood before israel left with silver and gold give thanks give thanks to god and call on his name so the nations may know sing to him sing praises due him tell of his wonder glory his name remember remember remember
Psalm 105
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 106
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Unknown Author
Psalms of Remembrance
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psalm 106 praise the lord give thanks for he is good his steadfast love endures we with our fathers have sinned in wickedness forgot your wondrous works when they were in egypt nevertheless he saved them and for his name’s sake own that he might make his power known he led them through the sea at his command the waters dried then they covered every enemy not one was left alive though they sang his praise believed his words they soon forgot his works praise the lord give thanks for he is good his steadfast love endures wanton craving in the wilderness jealousy and envious the earth it opened swallowing then plague and fire and flame they made a calf in horeb they traded glorious god for a man-made metal image for a grass-eating ox they forgot god their savior then he said he would destroy them had not moses his chosen stood in breach before him to turn away his wrath they despised the pleasant land having no faith in his promise they murmured in their tents they angered him at meribah they sacrificed their sons the land it was polluted with the blood of innocents so god’s anger burned against them an abhorred inheritance nevertheless he pitied them and listened remembering his covenant he relented according to the greatness of his love
Psalm 106
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 107
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Thanksgiving
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psalm 107 give thanks to the lord for he is good let the redeemed of the lord say so from the north and from the south from the east and from the west those he has redeemed he has gathered them some wandered in desert wastes hungry thirsty their souls faint when they cried to the lord in their trouble he delivered them some sat in dark and death the words of god they rebelled against when they cried to the lord in their trouble he delivered them let them thank the lord his love is steadfast his works are wondrous to the children of man some were fools through sinful ways suffering in their iniquities then they cried to the lord in their trouble he delivered them then they cried to the lord in their trouble he delivered them some went down to the sea where they saw god's deeds his works in the deep there he commanded raised up the wind lifted the waves mounted them to heaven their courage melted staggered drunken they cried to the lord and he delivered them he made the storm be quiet the waves of the sea were silenced and they were glad that the waters sat in stillness let them thank the lord his love is steadfast his works are wondrous to the children of man
Psalm 107
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 108
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 108 my heart is steadfast o god i will sing awake o harp awake o lyre i will awake the morning i'll give thanks to you o lord among them all i’ll sing praise your steadfast love is great above your faithfulness ever reaching be exalted god above the heavens god let your glory be let your glory be that your beloved ones may be delivered ones o lord bring salvation and answer me who will bring me into the city who will lead in victory have you not rejected us o god have you not rejected grant us help oh please help only you for human help is useless be exalted god above the heavens god let your glory be let your glory be that your beloved ones may be delivered ones o lord bring salvation and answer me
Psalm 108
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 109
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 109 be not silent o god of my praise for wicked mouths are against me they encircle me with words of hate in return for my love they accuse me but still i give myself to pray appoint a wicked man against him let an accuser stand at his right hand when he’s tried let him come forth guilty let his prayer be counted as sin may his wife be a widow let his children beg seeking food far from the ruins where they live let strangers take what he has earned let none extend kindness to him let not the sin of his father or mother be blotted out before the lord let them be that he may cut off every memory of them from all the earth for he refused to show any kindness put the poor and the needy to death he loved to curse let curses come to him he did not delight to bless may curses soak in his body like water like oil into his bones like a garment wrapped around him like a belt that he puts on may this be the reward of my accusers lord of those who speak evil to me but you lord deal on my behalf for your name’s sake because of your love rescue me for my heart is stricken in me i'm gone like a shadow at dusk my knees are weak from fasting skin and bones my body’s become help me o lord my god save me according to your steady unfailing love let them know that this is your very hand you alone you o lord have done it let them curse but you will bless for he stands at the right hand of the needy one to save him from those who seek his death
Psalm 109
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 110
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Kingship
Psalms for Justice
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 110 the lord says to my lord come sit at my right hand until i make your enemies a footstool for your feet the lord sends forth from zion your mighty scepter rule in the midst of your enemies rule in the midst of your enemies your people will offer themselves freely on the day of your power in holy garments from the womb of the morning the lord has sworn and will not change his mind you are a priest forever in the order of melchizedek you are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek god is at your right hand he will shatter kings on the day of his wrath he will bring forth his judgment to the nations heaping up the dead he will drink from the brook thus he will lift his head
Psalm 110
Poor Bishop Hooper
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