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Psalm 120
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 120 i took my troubles to the lord and he answered me and he answered me save me o lord from wicked tongues from deceitfulness from lying lips what will be done o wicked tongue what will he do to punish you as a warrior’s arrows you will be pierced through he will burn the broom tree heap it's coals on you woe to me that i dwell in meshech that i live by the tents of kedar too long have i lived with those who hate peace when i speak peace they are for war woe to me when i speak peace they are for war
Psalm 120
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 121
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Confidence
Psalms for Courage
psalm 121 i lift my eyes to the hills where is my help from where does my help come from i know my maker does not slumber he won’t let my foot slip where does my help come from sun and moon may come no harm will be done for the lord he watches over where does my help come from the lord will watch over your coming and going from this time forth from this time forth the lord will watch over your coming and going from this time forth from this time forth and forevermore where does my help come from my help comes from the lord the maker of heaven and earth my help comes from the lord
Psalm 121
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 122
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 122 i was glad when they said to me let us go to the house of the lord our feet have been standing within your gates o jerusalem o jerusalem built as a city should be jerusalem bound together firmly jerusalem where the tribes go up to praise there the thrones of judgment set the thrones of the house of david jerusalem peace peace peace be within your walls pray for the peace peace peace of jerusalem i will say peace peace peace be within your walls pray for the peace peace peace of jerusalem
Psalm 122
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 123
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 123 to you i will lift up my eyes o you who are enthroned in heaven behold as the eyes of the servants look to hand of their master behold as the eyes of maidservants look to the hand of their mistress so our eyes look to the lord until he has mercy so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us to you i will lift up my eyes o you who are enthroned in heaven our soul has had more than enough of the scoffing and the scorn and contempt so our eyes look to the lord until he has mercy so our eyes look to the lord our god until he has mercy on us
Psalm 123
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 124
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Justice
Psalms for Courage
psalm 124 if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side let israel say if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side they would have swallowed us alive if it had not been the lord who was on our side when the people rose against us they would have swallowed us alive when men in burning anger we would have been swept by the water’s rise if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side o lord blessed be who has not given us to their teeth we’ve escaped like a bird from a trap the snare is broken and we are free if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side if it had not been the lord who was on our side let israel say if it had not been the lord who was on our side
Psalm 124
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 125
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Confidence
Psalms for Rest
psalm 125 those who trust in the lord are like mount zion which cannot be shaken but endures forever as the mountains surround jerusalem so the lord surrounds his people forever for the hand of wickedness will not rule the land of the righteous lest the hand of righteous man turn away toward wickedness do good o lord to those who are those who are good but those who turn to crooked ways the lord will lead lead away peace be upon israel
Psalm 125
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 126
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Remembrance
Psalms for Justice
psalm 126 when the lord restored the fortunes of zion we were like those who dream then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with shouts of joy joy joy then they said among the nations the lord has done great things for them the lord has done great things restore our fortunes lord like streams in the desert those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy he who goes out weeping carrying the seed will come home with joyful shouting bringing in his sheaves
Psalm 126
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 127
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Wisdom
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psalm 127 unless the lord unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor on in vain unless the lord watches over the town in vain the watchman stays awake it’s in vain that you rise up early it’s in vain you go late to rest eating bread of anxious toil for he gives sleep to his beloved unless the lord unless the lord unless the lord unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor on in vain unless the lord unless the lord watches over the town in vain the watchman stays awake behold children are a gift from the lord the fruit of the womb the very fruit is a reward like arrows in warriors hands are your children when you’re young how blessed is the man with a quiver full of them unless the lord unless the lord unless the lord unless the lord builds the house those who build it labor on in vain unless the lord unless the lord watches over the town in vain the watchman stays awake
Psalm 127
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 128
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Wisdom
Psalms for Courage
psalm 128 blessed are those who fear the lord who walk in his ways who walk in his ways you shall eat the fruit of your hands and it shall be well with you your wife will be fruitful in your house and your children like olive shoots the lord bless you from zion may you see it's prosperity all the days all the days of your life and may you see your children’s children blessed are those who fear the lord who walk in his ways who walk in his ways
Psalm 128
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 129
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Justice
psalm 129 greatly greatly greatly greatly have they afflicted me from my youth let israel now say how they’ve afflicted me yet they’ve not prevailed the plowers plowed upon my back they made long their furrows the lord is righteous righteous righteous and he cut their cords yet they’ve not prevailed yet they’ve not prevailed yet they’ve not prevailed may all who hate all who hate zion be put to shame like grass upon the housetops withering before it grows up withering and the reaper cannot fill his hands yet they’ve not prevailed yet they’ve not prevailed yet they’ve not prevailed
Psalm 129
Poor Bishop Hooper
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