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Psalm 140
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 140 deliver me o lord from evil men preserve me from the violent who plan evil things in their hearts and stir up wars they make their tongues sharp as a serpents and under their lips is venom guard me o lord from wicked hands preserve me from the violent who have planned to trip up my feet the arrogant have hidden a trap for me with cords they have spread a net beside the way they have set i say to the lord you’re my god give ear to the voice of my cry o lord the strength of my salvation you cover my head on the battle day as for those who surround me let the mischief of their lips be overwhelming may burning coals fall on them may they be cast to fire and pits let no liar in the land and let evil hunt down the violent man the lord will maintain the afflicted he’ll give justice to the poor the righteous will give thanks to your name the upright will dwell in your presence
Psalm 140
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 141
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 141 o lord i call to you come quick come quickly to hear my voice when i call to you may my prayers be like incense set a guard over my mouth let my heart not take a part in wicked deeds delicacies and the company of evil men let a righteous man strike me it’s a kindness let a righteous man rebuke me it is oil let a righteous man strike me it’s a kindness let a righteous man rebuke me it is oil my head will will not refuse it yet my prayer is against evil men when their judge is thrown from the cliff then the wicked will listen to my words and find them true they will say as the earth is plowed so our bones are scattered at the mouth of the grave but my eyes look out to you my lord and refuge let a righteous man strike me it’s a kindness let a righteous man rebuke me it is oil let a righteous man strike me it’s a kindness let a righteous man rebuke me it is oil my head will will not refuse it
Psalm 141
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 142
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 142 i cry to the lord with my voice i cry out i plead to the lord for mercy mercy i pour out again my complaint before him i tell him my troubles when my spirit faints within me you know my way you know my way in my path where they’ve hid a trap for me you know my way you know my way i look to the right and see there is no one who cares who takes notice of me no refuge remains no one cares for my soul so i cry out to you lord when my spirit faints within me you know my way you know my way in my path where they’ve hid a trap for me you know my way you know my way i say you are my portion in the land of life won’t you come lord deliver me would you hear my cry bring me out of this prison for the thanks i have to give and the righteous will surround me because of your goodness
Psalm 142
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 143
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 143 hear my prayer o lord give ear to my pleas in your faithfulness won’t you answer me do not bring your servant here into judgment for no one living is righteous before you enemies pursue me to the ground he sends me darkness is my dwelling like those long dead my spirit is faint my heart is dismayed but i remember old days and what your hands have done i stretch out my hands to you my soul it thirsts for you like a parched land would you answer me hide not your face from me lest i be dead and let me hear in the morning of your steadfast love set me on sure footing to do your will lord teach me let your spirit lead me on level ground i stretch out my hands to you my soul it thirsts for you like a parched land would you answer me o lord for your name’s sake save my life with your faith o lord for your name’s sake for i am your servant
Psalm 143
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 144
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 144 blessed be the lord my rock who trains my hands for war he’s my fortress my stronghold and my deliverer he’s my shield and he in whom i take up my refuge who subdues the nations under me o lord what is man that you regard him or the son of man that you think of him man is like a breath his days are passing like a shadow like a shadow open up and bow the heavens o lord and come down touch the mountains so they billow smoke flash forth lightning scatter them and send your arrows out send your hand from high and rescue me o lord what is man that you regard him or the son of man that you think of him man is like a breath his days are passing like a shadow like a shadow i will sing a song to you on the harp i’ll play to you who rescues their servant from the sword rescue me deliver me from the hand of enemies whose mouths are filled up with lies and falsehood may our sons be plants full grown our daughters as cornerstones may our fields be filled into the thousands may there be no cries of grief blessed are those with such blessings blessed are those whose god is the lord o lord what is man that you regard him or the son of man that you think of him man is like a breath his days are passing like a shadow like a shadow
Psalm 144
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 145
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Gathered Worship
psalm 145 great is the lord and worthy to be praised his greatness none can fathom the lord is gracious merciful and compassionate slow to anger rich and abounding in love steadfast love love steadfast love all your works will give you thanks and all your saints will bless you they will say of the glory of your power and they will make make it known to their children of your kingdom everlasting your kingdom everlasting your dominion enduring your kingdom everlasting your dominion enduring for generations generations all generations generations all generations the lord is gracious merciful and compassionate slow to anger rich and abounding in love steadfast love love steadfast love
Psalm 145
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 146
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Courage
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 146 praise the lord oh my soul i will praise him all my life i’ll sing praises to my god i’ll sing praises til i die don’t put your trust in princes don’t put your trust in son of man in them there’s no salvation when they die so do their plans the lord brings forth justice he feeds the hungry he opens blind eyes he sets the prisoners free the lord lifts those who are down he loves the righteous he sees the foreigner he upholds the fatherless blessed is he whose help is god whose hope is in the lord alone the god who made heaven and earth the lord remains faithful forever faithful the lord brings forth justice he feeds the hungry he opens blind eyes he sets the prisoners free the lord lifts those who are down he loves the righteous he sees the foreigner he upholds the fatherless the lord will reign forever forever the lord will reign forever praise the lord praise the lord oh my soul i will praise him all my life i’ll sing praises to my god i’ll sing praises til i die
Psalm 146
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 147
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
Psalm 147 how good it is how good it is to sing praise to our god for the lord builds up jerusalem brings all the outcasts home again he heals the brokenhearted he binds up their wounds every single star he’s counted them how great his power abundant wisdom beyond all measuring he lifts up the humbles casts the wicked down how good it is how good it is to sing praise to our god he gives clouds to the heavens brings up the grass on the mountains he gives food to the animals when they cry he feeds their young he takes no delight in the horses strength takes no delight in a man’s legs he takes delight in those who fear him and hope in his love how good it is how good it is to sing praise to our god
Psalm 147
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 148
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Rest
psalm 148 praise the lord o praise the lord praise him angels all his hosts praise him from the highest heavens praise him moon and praise him sun praise him waters there above praise him from the highest heavens praise him from the furthest sky praise him all you stars that shine praise him from the highest heavens let them praise him let them praise for he spoke and they were made ever placed by the decree he gave praise the lord from the earth from the deeps fire and hail snow and mist stormy winds fulfilling every hill and mountain cedars and the trees cattle wild animals flying birds and creeping things kings o kings princes and all people young men and maidens old men and their children let them praise let them praise for his name alone is exalted let them praise let them praise for his glory towers o’er earth and heaven
Psalm 148
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 149
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book V
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 149 sing the the lord a new song praise him the gathering come let the children of zion rejoice in their king let them praise his name with dancing let them praise his name with melody for the lord takes delight in his people and he crowns them with victory let the godly exult in glory let them sing for joy in their beds let the praises of god be in their mouths and in their hands a sword double edged let them praise his name with dancing let them praise his name with melody for the lord takes delight in his people and he crowns them with victory
Psalm 149
Poor Bishop Hooper
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