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Psalm 21
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 21 how i rejoice in you o lord for you have given me everything my heart desires you have not withheld anything i have requested i’ve asked you for life and you have given it rise up rise up rise up o lord in all your power and we will celebrate yes we will sing and praise of all your might
Psalm 21
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 22
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 22 my god my god why have you forsaken me why have you abandoned me my god my god why are you so far away when i plead and plead my god my god every day i call to you still you’re never answering my god my god every night i know you hear my voice but i can't quite seem to find relief yet you are holy enthroned in praise israel they trusted you and they were saved they cried out to you and were shown the way up out of darkness up out of darkness into the place you made my god my god they’ve pierced my hands my feet i can see the people counting up my bones my god my god they’ve divided what i own among themselves and gambled for my clothes my god my god i'm captivated by a thirst that ties my tongue and dries up all the strength inside of me my god my god though i don’t know of who i sing or what these lines so true foresee would you come quickly yet you are holy enthroned in praise israel they trusted you and they were saved could I cry out to you in the very same way bring me up out of darkness up out of darkness up out of darkness into the place you made but he has not despised me or left me in affliction he did not hide his face from me he did not hide his face the humble will eat and be satisfied those who seek the lord will praise him the families of all nations the ends of the earth remember and people yet unborn proclaim he alone has all dominion he did not hide his face he did not hide his face he did not hide his face
Psalm 22
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 23
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Confidence
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Rest
Psalms for Courage
psalm 23 the lord is my shepherd there’s nothing that i lack he lets me rest easy and leads along right paths it’s all for his name’s sake and for his glory even when i go through the darkest valley i will fear not i will fear not i will fear not your rod and your staff will protect and comfort me you set my feast table before my enemies i'm honored anointed my cup overflows with blessings i will fear not i will fear not i will fear not surely your goodness and your faithful love will run after me every single day of my life and i will live i will live i will live in the house of the lord
Psalm 23
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 24
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Kingship
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psalm 24 who may climb the mountain of the lord who may stand in his holy place only those whose hands and hearts are pure will receive the blessing of the lord open up ancient gates open up ancient doors let the king of glory in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord of heaven’s armies he is the king of glory who may climb the mountain of the lord such a generation who may stand in his holy place who seeks God only those whose hands and hearts are pure will be in your presence will receive the blessing of the lord right relationship
Psalm 24
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 25
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 25 nobody who waits for you will see disgrace teach me all your righteous paths make known your ways to me lord lead me by your truth my god and teach me now i'll wait for you the whole day long you are the god of my salvation you have shown your love from ages past it existed from antiquity through history forgotten of my sinful youth for your goodness god my eyes are always on you
Psalm 25
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 26
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 26 test me o lord come try i’ve lived a blameless life please remember my trust never wavered or lied i love the house where you live i love the place where your glory is alive don’t take me with the sin of the blood thirsty men schemes and bribes fill their hands while i walk innocent i love the house where you live i love the place where your glory is alive as i seek purity won't you show me mercy as i seek purity won't you show me mercy
Psalm 26
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 27
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Confidence
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 27 the lord is my light and my salvation why should i ever be afraid the lord is the strong hold upon my life and of whom should i be afraid even with false witness or constant breathe of violence i know the one who cares for me is there even if my father and my mother both abandon i know the lord who cares for me is there i have heard you saying seek my face and come talk with me come and talk with me my heart responds in the way you made it lord i am coming i am coming though the dark surrounds me i know i am protected my heart will never be afraid to gaze upon your beauty god and see you in your temple i will stand hidden in you i have heard you saying seek my face and come talk with me come and talk with me my heart responds in the way you made it lord i am coming i am coming i am certain i will live in the house of the lord all of my days i know i will delight in the house of the lord all of my days all of my days
Psalm 27
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 28
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 28 lord i pray my rock do not turn a deaf ear to me if you stay silent what are my chances at mercy i might as well give up and die die i might as well give up and die die listen to my prayer as i lift my hands to your sanctuary don’t drag me away with the wicked and their evil deeds won't you come and hear my cry cry won't you come and hear my cry cry others care nothing for what you’ve done others care nothing for what you’ve made but i will trust in god today for he has showed me mercy my help my lord my shield my strength i sing out with thanksgiving
Psalm 28
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 29
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Justice
psalm 29 every angel honors you for your glory and your strength wrapped in endless holiness and the glory of your name wrapped in endless holiness and the glory of your name the voice the voice the voice the voice of the lord the voice the voice the voice the voice of the lord the voice the voice of the lord echoes above the sea the voice the voice of the lord is power displayed the voice the voice of the lord falls forests and trees the voice the voice of the lord is thundering the voice the voice of the lord flashes flames of fire the voice the voice of the lord shakes barren the wilderness the voice the voice of the lord is writhing with new life and the voice of the lord lays waste his creation all the people everyone in his temple cry glory glory glory glory they cry glory glory glory glory glory
Psalm 29
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 30
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 30 i will exalt you lord my god for you alone have brought me up you haven’t made my enemies to triumph over me thank you that your anger lasts only a moment thank you your anger lasts only a moment moment moment when i cried you healed all my sickness and brought me from the pit of death you spared me from my rightful place so sing all you of faith thank you that your anger lasts only a moment thank you your anger lasts only a moment moment moment his favor lasts a lifetime though weeping may spend the night there’ll be joy in the morning you turned my mourning on into dancing you stole my clothes of ash and you robed me in gladness you set me standing up on a mountain so i will sing your praise sing your praise sing your praises forever
Psalm 30
Poor Bishop Hooper
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EveryPsalm is a listener supported endeavor. In order to keep our music cost-free and ad-free for all who wish to hear God's word in song, we appreciate your gifts!
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