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Psalm 31
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 31 o god be my rock o god be my fortress o god you are my rock o god you are my fortress o god you are my rock o god you are safe place you lavish love upon the ones who know you before the watching world and they will come to see just how great and wonderful your goodness is you hide them in the shelter of your presence safe from everyone who comes against them so far from accusing tongues and wicked schemes of men
Psalm 31
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 32
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Thanksgiving
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psalm 32 blessed the man who has been forgiven blessed the one with sins obsolete blessed the spirit found with no deceit blessed when i kept silent my bones wasted away night and day all day and night your hand was heavy on me my strength was sapped as in the heat of the summer and then and then and then i confessed and you forgave the guilt of my sin you forgave the guilt of my sin you forgave the guilt of my sin i will instruct you in the way you should go i will always watch and keep my eye steady on you be not like the mule controlled by bit or the bridle but trust but trust but trust in him therefore let all the godly ones pray therefore when the mighty waters rise you won’t be dismayed therefore your hiding place will be safe therefore
Psalm 32
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 33
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Unknown Author
Psalms of Praise
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 33 praise the lord shout for joy for the word of the lord is true praise the lord shout for joy you are faithful in all you do by the breath from his mouth the heavens came to be starry hosts came the same and the depths of the sea let all the earth fear the lord let the people revere for he spoke and it was done all of his commands adhere praise the lord shout for joy for the word of the lord is true praise the lord shout for joy you are faithful in all you do the intent of his heart for each generation is to bless his inheritance the family of the chosen we wait in hope for the lord of death we’re not afraid his name our deliverance and our hearts celebrate praise the lord shout for joy for the word of the lord is true praise the lord shout for joy you are faithful in all you do
Psalm 33
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 34
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 34 no shadow of shame will darken our faces we will be radiant radiant with joy in desperation i prayed and the lord he listened would you see could you taste taste and see that the lord is good taste and see that the lord is good come my children and listen listen to me for i will teach you the fear of the lord is a perfectly good thing the eyes of the lord watch over the righteous and his ears are turned to your very lips the lord he is close so very close to the broken hearted and he rescues those who are crushed in their spirits come my children and listen listen to me for i will teach you the fear of the lord is a perfectly good thing
Psalm 34
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 35
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 35 lord o lord oppose those who oppose me lord o lord fight those who fight against me lord put on your armor lord take up your shield lord prepare for battle lord lift up your spear against every pursuer o lord let me hear say it to my say soul lord say it loud and clear won't you say i will give you victory i will give you victory i will give you victory lord bring shame on those who try to kill me lord turn back the ones who bring me harm blow them all away like chaff set in the wind a wind sent by your angel fast pursuing them would you say i will give you victory i will give you victory i will give you victory lord wrong witnesses rise up against me asking me things i know nothing of yes they trade me evil for my honest good i’m empty in my soul god sickened with despair oh how long will you lord look on and do nothing save me from these lions and protect my life won’t you come and rescue me won’t you come and rescue me won’t you come and rescue me so all my say the lord be magnified the one who takes delight in full abundant life of his servants
Psalm 35
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 36
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Wisdom
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psalm 36 a burden is burning concerning the wicked at heart a burden is burning concerning the wicked at heart there is no fear of god before his eyes he flatters himself too much to realize and have hate for his sin all of the words pouring from his mouth long to be wrong wrought with wickedness even in sleep he dreams deceit evil his plot and his plan he does not reject sin but your love but your love but your love reaches to the heavens but your love righteous like the mountain but your love justice like the great deep priceless is your love priceless is your love priceless is your love
Psalm 36
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 37
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Wisdom
Psalms for Courage
psalm 37 if i delight in you it is your promise my every heart's desire will be accomplished if i commit all i have to you your justice will shine your justice will shine if i stay still within your holy presence no matter what the world has i wait patient if i commit all i have to you i know you’ll delight i know you’ll delight my inheritance will be perfect and unending my inheritance will be beneath your watchful eye there’s nothing that can take it no hour can decay it forever forever forever and a day if my steps are taken and established and you are pleased with everywhere i put them though i fall i won't be overwhelmed for you hold my hand you hold my hand my inheritance will be perfect and unending my inheritance will be beneath your watchful eye there’s nothing that can take it no hour can decay it forever forever forever and a day once i was young and now i am an old man ne’er have i seen a righteous one forsaken for my children never begged for bread but gave and gave again gave and gave again gave and gave again
Psalm 37
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 38
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 38 lord don’t punish me in your anger your arrows have already done enough for my sins have been a flood far too much for my bent back to carry lord all my desires are before you none of my hearts cries are hidden my soul breaks my strength has left me and the light of my eyes is gone lord here i confess in fullness my sin that’s sat anxious within me i know i can't carry this burden for long so take it would you take it do not forsake me don’t stay far away and come quickly to help me be my salvation
Psalm 38
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 39
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 39 god remind me just how brief my time on this shallow earth will be god remind me that every single morning my days are numbered and they’re not that many how fleeting this life is how fleeting this life is my entire life is but a moment to you at very best a breath in the way you see it see it see it heaping mounds of wealth are merely shadows on the move all our busy rushing ends in nothing nothing nothing nothing so where can my hope go where can my hope go my hope is in you where can my hope go in you alone
Psalm 39
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 40
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book I
Psalms of Thanksgiving
Psalms for Courage
Psalms for the Messiah
psalm 40 i waited patiently upon the lord i waited patiently for you and he inclined and heard my cry and he inclined and heard my cry he brought me up from the despairing pit he brought me out of my destruction out of the mud and of the mire he set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm my footsteps firm and he has given me a new song to sing a song of praise to him a song of praise to him how blessed is the man who trusts the lord who hasn’t turned around in falsehood many the wonders of your hand many the wonders of your hand oh take your very thoughts towards us god and if i would try to recite them there’s no way i could find the end offering and sacrifice are not what you desire they’re not what you desire for you have given me an open ear to what you require to what you require you said behold i come just as just as it is written i take joy in doing your will my god
Psalm 40
Poor Bishop Hooper
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EveryPsalm is a listener supported endeavor. In order to keep our music cost-free and ad-free for all who wish to hear God's word in song, we appreciate your gifts!
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