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Psalm 81
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Psalms of Remembrance
Psalms for Dancing
psalm 81 sing aloud to god our strength shout for joy to the god of jacob raise a song sound the tambourine with the lyre harp blow the horn on the day of feasts to the moon for it is a statute this is israel’s decree from the land of egypt i hear a language that i had not known i delivered your shoulder from the burden you were carrying i answered your distress from the secret place of thundering listen listen o my people to my warning listen listen o my people to this warning there will be no strange foreign gods among you for i am the lord god i would feed you with the finest of wheat with honey from the rock so satisfying
Psalm 81
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 82
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 82 god has taken his place presiding over heaven’s court in the midst of the gods he holds judgment how long will you give unjust decisions how long will you favor the wicked give your justice to the weak and fatherless come rescue the poor and the helpless deliver them deliver them deliver them arise o god and judge the earth for the nations are yours for the nations are yours
Psalm 82
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 83
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Justice
psalm 83 o god do not keep silent do not hold your peace o god do not be quiet don’t you hear your enemies against your treasured ones they devise and craft their schemes let us wipe out israel destroy their memory they conspire with one accord against you covenant edom and the ishmaelites moab and their tents amalek and ammon tyre’s inhabitants assyria has joined them the strength of lot’s descendants do to them as you did sisera midian as their corpses fertilized the ground let their mighty princes die as zeeb and oreb did who said let’s take god’s pastures for our own o my god make them like the dust as fire consumes the forest as flames set blaze to mountains chase them with your storm fill their faces up with shame that they may seek o lord your name let them perish in disgrace that they may know o lord your name
Psalm 83
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 84
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Sons of Korah
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 84 how lovely is the place where you are my soul faints at the thought of it even the sparrow has gone and found a home so too the swallow has a nest for her young blessed are the ones with strength found in you those who’ve set their hearts on journeying even in valleys you give them blessings with strength increasing they are preparing to appear before to appear before god better is one day in your courts than a thousand some other place i’d rather be found at the door serving the house of the lord
Psalm 84
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 85
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Sons of Korah
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 85 o lord you showed your favor for you restored jacob’s fortunes you forgave your people's sins you kept your wrath withdrawn from them surely his salvation is near to those who fear him surely his salvation is near now come restore us again abandon your displeasure will you prolong your wrath for generations will you be angry forever surely his salvation is near to those who fear him surely his salvation is near steadfast love meets faithfulness righteousness and peace have kissed faithfulness springs from the ground righteousness from the sky looks down yes the lord will give all his blessings and the land will lift up its bounty
Psalm 85
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 86
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 86 hear me god as i call again i am needy you are forgiving guard my life as i look to you i am devoted you are abundant in lovingkindness among the gods there is none like you no deeds can compare with yours all the nations you’ve made will glory your name as they worship before the lord teach me your ways i will walk in truth i want my heart to be holy yours to fear and praise and glory your name who can save from the grave but the lord show me a sign of your goodness for others to see me that they would see clearly you are good and your anger is slow of your love and it's boundaries know there’s no limit to your compassion you are faithful again and again
Psalm 86
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 87
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Sons of Korah
Psalms of Praise
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psalm 87 god has set his foundation on the holy mountain the lord loves the gates of zion more than every place of the dwelling of jacob the lord loves the gates of zion the lord loves the gates of zion all will remember those born within her the lord loves the gates of zion come sing come dance come bring instruments all my fountains are found in all my fountains are in you
Psalm 87
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 88
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Heman the Ezrahite
Psalms of Lament
Psalms for Suffering
psalm 88 o god of my salvation i cry out day and night may my prayer come now before you would you listen to my cry for my soul is full of troubles and death it draws near with no strength i’m like the slain in the grave whom you no longer remember darkness is my only friend in the darkest places and the deeps your wrath lies heavy upon me you have overwhelmed me with your waves i am trapped and i cannot escape my eyes grow dim in sorrow every day i call to you lord i open up my hands do you work wonders for the dead do departed rise to praise you does your love come from the grave are your wonders known in abbadon or good where those forget darkness is my only friend oh why do you hide your face from me close to my demise since i was a kid your wrath your assaults all surrounding i suffer your horrors i’m desperate darkness is my only friend
Psalm 88
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 89
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book III
Ethan the Ezrahite
Psalms of Kingship
Psalms for Gathered Worship
Psalms for Justice
Psalms for Courage
psalm 89 i will sing of your steadfast love forever forever young and old they will all hear of forever forever unfailing love and faithfulness forever forever enduring as the heavens forever forever you have said of your chosen one forever forever to your servant david sworn forever forever i will make your sons as kings forever forever they will have the throne for eternity forever forever the north the south you created them forever forever and you hold it all in your strong right hand forever forever righteousness and justice forever forever are the foundation where your throne sits forever and to the godly ones you spoke of old forever forever it is david i have exalted forever forever with my holy oil i anointed him forever forever so that my hand can be established forever forever o lord how long will this go on forever forever o lord how long will your anger burn forever forever where’s your steadfast love of old forever forever the love you swore to david’s own forever forever
Psalm 89
Poor Bishop Hooper
Psalm 90
Poor Bishop Hooper
Book IV
Psalms of Lament
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psalm 90 lord you have been our home throughout all generations before the mountains were born before you brought forth the world there was you you say return to dust son of man you watch a thousand years like a day you sweep men away like a night that’s past what can we do we are consumed all of our sin is laid bare before you who knows the power of your anger your anger for your wrath is as great as the fear that is due your name teach us to view our numbered days right satisfied with your morning light let your love and your favor rest upon us
Psalm 90
Poor Bishop Hooper
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EveryPsalm is a listener supported endeavor. In order to keep our music cost-free and ad-free for all who wish to hear God's word in song, we appreciate your gifts!
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